
Showing posts from February, 2020
Narrative Image
Restoring Old Photo
Reflection on the reflection Reflexion Grade:B-
Letter to the past To Future me: To be successful in the Creative Photography class you will have to stay on top of things, don't procrastinate. Your first idea more often will not be your best idea, have your index print, and use tools to enhance your photo. To be successful in photography class is very easy you just need to stay on task and give it your best effort!  From: Past you
"Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period." I disagree with "tax dollars should not be wasted on art" because art is what makes up half of the culture, its how other people define you. Art comes in many shapes and forms, art can be the style of a dress, the architecture of a building, sculptures, acting, etc.  Art can also be way to express yourself.  Every thing around you can be define as art or contains art elements. Therefore art makes up a lot of the career, school should prepare us for the workforce. 
Forced perspective
1) Describe the mood of the image(s)  What is the expression on the faces of the models?  What is their posture? The lady in the first image has a neutral side image she's looks tense. The second lady in the picture looks lonely she's showing her front image with her head tilled back.  2) Think about technique.  How do you imagine these images were created? Oil paint? Photoshop? I think these images are photoshop, using the overlay technique. 3) Ask yourself what role color plays in the images(?)  Does it accentuate the mood? The color makes the image looks more bold, it accentuate the mood. 4) Finally, what do you think the artist intended to convey with these images?  What response was he/she attempting to evoke?  Do you think the effort was successful? The artist is trying to covey the the mood of defiant.